| Through a freak accident, I was running quite late leaving to catch the bus (oops, I mean, "coach.") | |
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It was a normal coach ride until we reached the edge of England. Our coach ride included a trip under the channel through the UK/French channel tunnel. You simply drive into the train... | ...keep driving (following the coach in front of you)... | ...until you're in your appropriate little compartment. The doors close in front and behind, you turn off the engine, and wait for half an hour. Other than a bit of rocking, you would never know you're moving. |
After arriving Calais, France and eating lunch, Dr. Slinn decided to interrupt our after-meal nap by impersonating a tour guide. |  | Welcome to "The Jungle." I have no idea how we chose this nice little restaurant by the sea, because our group of 29 or so people have such a problem of deciding where to eat. And what was with all that wind, and then sleet? What about the poor tulips? |
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