April 1999
Got to get away... By the time the spring term was finished, I had to take a short vacation. Destination: Segovia, Spain. Click on each photo to see a larger, more detailed version.
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I never understood why they kept fixing Cromer Street, then going back and tearing it up again, refixing, redigging, etc. Why not do it right the first time? | |
 |  | From time to time our class would meet and relax a bit, but not often enough. It was definitely time for a vacation | |
After arriving in Madrid, I went to visit a friend in Segovia. One of my favorite night views is the castle on the cliff. It seems this is the place where Ferdinando and Isabella were coronated. | | |
|  | In the daytime one can see that Segovia has more than its share of sights. The Roman aquaduct from circa. 1 A.D. was impressive, originally built to carry water from the mountains. | |
 | Going back to the castle, I was fortunate enough to have a native guide |  | |
| | The castle's moat was impressive. Imagine what it would have been like with water. | |
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Since the castle is on the edge of a cliff... | | ...you can go to the top and see Segovia from above, with all its sights... | | ...like the cathedral in the center of the town. | |
 | There's also a palace. |  | |
And this building, which has some significance I've forgotten. Something to do with the Templar Knights, maybe. | |
To the other direction, one can see the Segovia hospital. |  |  | |
| | Back on the ground, there's another small church. | |
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| Before leaving this beautiful place, I have to see the acuaduct again. This is the view from outside. They say no mortar was used between the stones. |  | |
| I stopped by a square in the center of Madrid. | |
Copyright © 1998-2003 Garret Wilson