After a couple of months, I soon had a full plate of courses, classes, and other activities. Click on each photo to see a larger, more detailed version.
We were able to see a screening of a documentary on Jinnah, the founder of Pakistan. The director, some actors, and various other people were there to lead a discussion about the film, which immediately turned into an argument about how strict and "Islamic" Pakistan should be. |  | The traffic lights at Angel Station. I guess they mean you're free to go wherever you want to. |  |
 | Although I'm sure they are thankful, the British don't celebrate Thanksgiving Day. So some Americans invited some others and got together for some turkey (sliced, from Sainsbury's) and various dishes from places such as Greece. It was a traditional Thanksgiving. Sort of. | . | |
December 6 is Indepdence Day in Finland. As midnight rolled around (Finland time), my three Finnish friends broke into the Finnish National Anthem. |  | A rare peek at blue sky as the sun goes down. | |
 |  | Once we started caroling, we couldn't stop without going to Leicester Square. |
December 6 was a bit early for Christmas caroling, but as it was the last week before break that's about the latest we could do it. Because of end-of-term schoolwork, our large group of carolers wound up being only four. But everyone enjoyed us at the Kensington Goldsborough Nursing Home. |  | Some time later I saw this guy at Covent Garden who, while ending up not doing much of substance, sure knew how to hold the audience's attention. |
 | This American guy had done this before, I think. |  |
"Oklahoma" becomes popular in London. What will happen next, I wonder? | | |
New Year's Eve in London involves many festivities. I think these girls had a head start. |  |  | |
|  | In London, the place to be on New Year's Eve is Trafalgar Square. If you're not already in when the clock strikes midnight, however, the ring of policemen on horseback annouce the square is closed. It's possible to sneak behind them, though. | |
 | Once you've made it past the policemen, you realize that the other 90,000 people, having been there for the actual start of New Year, are going out of Trafalgar Square. One would have to be a fool to go against the tide. | | |
Here are a few of the fools who made it to the center of Trafalgar Sqaure after midnight. Now that I can say I've been there, I can do something else next year. Something more meaningful, maybe. | | | |