My acceptance at the University of London School of Oriental and African Studies having been confirmed, it was time to go to work. Now that I knew where I would be in mid-September, I could afford to devote the entire summer in Tulsa, Oklahoma to finishing GradeScan™ Suite 98. This way I could have time for my time to my studies after reaching London. Click on each photo to see a larger, more detailed version.
 |  | Between (and during) thunderstorms, there's work to be done, most of it being accomplished in the living room of my apartment. | |
It's so nice to be back home in Oklahoma, away from all that weird Canadian weather, away from those massive ice storms, back to normalcy, back to... tornados. This is a picture of the wind-blown rain rushing outside (and into) my apartment at 81st and Sheridan, at the same time a tornado goes overhead and is spotted a mile away. | |  | |
| | This summer I learned the joy of getting up early. So much more gets accomplished. I had forgotten how the countryside looks around Chelsea in the late summer when, early in the morning, the rising sun catches the fog that silently crept in the night before, as a sleeper awakening to glimpse midnight ghosts, fleeing before the day begins. | |
 | As summer draws to a close and the release date for GradeScan nears, I go as usual to the Oklahoma Vo-Tech Summer Conference to demonstrate the product. My helpers take a lunch break between visitors to our booth. | | |